With outstretched hands I come to you
Oh God, I will bless your name
You turn all mourning into gladness
And you make all things beautiful
To you I bring this sacrifice of praise
When words fail,
I fall on my knees and say
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Amazing God, Amazing God
You are
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Amazing God, Amazing God
You are
On bended knee I will worship
Face down, Lord I fall at your throne
You’ve turned my shame into glory
Yes you make all things glorious
To you I bring this sacrifice of praise
When words fail,
I fall on my knees and say
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Nyika nekuzara kwayo makasika mega,
Mega pasina anotsira
Ndokudurura mweya wenyu mega
Kuratidza aiwa ndimi Mwari
Aiwa munesimba
Aiwa munogona, narinhi
Munoratidza nzira pakaoma
Munovheneka nyika inerima
Munosimudzira moyo yakaneta
Makagara muripo
Muri mwari wangu
Ah-ha-ha Ndimi
Makatuma mwana wenyu ega
Kuzonunura nyika inerima
Mukamupasimba pamusoro pazvose
Kuratiza aiwa munotonga
Aiwa munobwinya
Ishe samasimba, narinhi
Munoratidza nzira pakaoma
Munovheneka nyika inerima
Munosimudzira moyo yakaneta
Makagara muripo
Muri mwari wangu
Ah-ha-ha Ndimi
Munoratidza nzira pakaoma
Munovheneka nyika inerima
Munosimudzira moyo yakaneta
Makagara muripo
Muri mwari wangu
Ah-ha-ha Ndimi
Makafanira mbiri
Hakuna mumwe ndimi
Hamuenzaniswe, hamufananidzwe
Munoratidza nzira